
Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Things

Koeln - Weihnachtsmarkt

Time to go out and get the last of the gifts, wrap them all up and let good enough, be good enough.

In Germany, this time of year is quiet. Small village quiet, for many days. Things slow down on the 24th and all the stores close at noon. The 25th and 26th are holidays here and the only place open will be the pharmacy.

However, there's still time to make and bake. My friend Maya's Chocolate Bark looks incredibly delicious. All of her recipes are wonderful and she always has a wealth of ideas for last minute gifts, tutorials and patterns. Many of her projects can be easily done with children and her holiday posts have the flavor of a northern European winter experience. More of her work on

For gift wrapping I'll visit Charissa's The Gifted Blog. Her Woodland Gift Box is beautiful and so simple that it makes a phenomenal last minute gift. She offers wonderful ideas and free tutorials for gift toppers and wrappings using diverse and often recycled material including food packaging and t-shirts.

More gift wrapping ideas can be found on  Etsy, which was so kind as to include me in their How-Tuesday: Last Minute Packaging Round-Up.

I'll still be making more stars today with my wooden board, nails and reeds and help prepare hering salad, a  special tradition in my family that dates back to the 19th century.

Have a great weekend!


  1. The chocolate bark is so pretty! I'm bringing scones to our family's Christmas brunch, but it would be fun to try Maya's recipe sometime.

    And I saw your tape on Etsy's roundup - yay! So glad you were featured.
    : )

  2. As you are still in Germany: Yesterday I bought a magazine called "LandLust", issue January/February 2011. There are two articles on pages 90 to 95 about "Puschen" and "Doggln", some traditional handmade shoes in the Region of the Alpes. You can see some working steps there, but it's only an interview, not a tutorial. May-be there you'd find some inspiration for your shoe projects?

    A wonderful christmas time to you and your family!
