
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blues and Blankets...

Blue Buttons
A blue afternoon.

Experimenting with blanket making. I like the idea of creating a "modular" blanket which doesn't need to be completely planned from start to finish like many quilts. Often ideas come when I'm in the middle of a project, so it's great to have the flexibility to change direction.

Not sure where this is going. Right now I'm experimenting with jersey, lace, linen and cotton.

I'm thinking of "stuffing" the squares with a bit of wool, to add some warmth for the cooler months.

Or maybe I'll hide a secret message?


  1. Beuatiful...:) And I love the idea of hiding a messeage...perhaps a love letter to your children.

  2. That is such a neat idea! What a great way to save keepsakes!

  3. are you going to leave the jersey unfinished? just folding it over the center and using the running/sashiko stitch?
    i like this approach to quilting, a project i normally find too restrictive/dictatorial.

  4. I like your way of making it. How large are your square? gorgeous

  5. Lovely work, lovely colours!
    I have been following your blog for a while an would like to pass on an award I have just received. You can find it on my blog. Congratulations, you deserve it :)

  6. @sarita: A love letter to my child. Now, that's sounds like a nice idea.

    @Melissa: Thanks so much! Still experimenting.

    @editor: Yeah, quilting feels restrictive to me too. And intimidating. And yes, I'll leave the edges raw, so jersey is great. Also thought about using felted sweaters for the center squares, that would make the blanket warm and it would still be soft.

    @A Mom's choice: Inner stuffing squares are 3.5", blue squares are 4". I'll post some explanations, when it all comes together a bit more.

    @Agi: Thanks a million. Really appreciate your nice words and the award.

  7. What a great blue inspirations you've got there I recently saw a picture of a real blue rose so you can add one of it there.

    Greetings holiday apartment london

  8. this format is very appealing, and i like the mobility of the project too.

  9. So kann man auch besondere Stoffe und Stickereien richtig schön umrahmen und in Szene setzen. Bereitest du nun Vierermodule vor, oder machst du die Einzelteile so, wie es kommt?

  10. @suschna: Ich muss die Technik noch ein bischen "streamlinen". Ich glaube Vieremodule sind ganz gut. Man koennte so eine Decke auch komplett planen, oder sie ganz flexibel wachsen lassen.
    Ich muss noch ein wenig mit Farben, Form und Technik experimentieren.

  11. This reminds me of the so-called cathedral window quilt-technic, maybe you like that too. I love the blues you used.

  12. Lovely work, lovely colours! What a great way to save keepsakes!

    Silver MLM

  13. Lovely! I made a quilt a few years ago that included quilting cotton, old t-shirts and squares that I had knit. It was a bit wonky but it is one of our favorites.

  14. This looks intriguing and delightful!

  15. Gorgeous. I love the idea of secret messages...
