
Monday, July 26, 2010

My Dilemma

It seems I've made a beginner's mistake and wasn't clear when announcing the availability of the pattern this week. In order to dedicate a good amount of time and attention to this blog and developing free tutorials, I've decided to charge a small amount for some items and the scarf pattern will be one of them. It'll only be USD 6.50, which I feel is reasonable. The other option would be advertising, but that is not the direction I want this to go.

So, today I feel a bit stupid as I understand some of you expect the pattern to be free and I've been struggling with this. I've also already given some hints about the structure of the scarf and some have gone ahead and experimented. And that's great.

I'm a defender of the open source model and always impressed by the generosity of fellow bloggers and readers alike.

What are your thoughts on this?


  1. I made the assumption that the pattern would be free, but I also think it is totally fine that you would charge for it. It is your idea, your labor. It makes sense that if you charge for those things.

    In the bigger picture, I do worry a bit about a blog and internet culture that we are creating in which people expect things for free -- and in which there is always one more person willing to work for free.

    I write books for kids and thus far have been paid for that labor. As e-books become more prominent, however, I expect that people will want to pay less and less for those stories I write. Already it is a challenging way to make a living. When people expect free or nearly free downloads, I expect that it will become harder to support oneself doing creative work.

    Therefore, I say: Charge for it.

  2. As a lover of the free, I must say that I am a little sad. However, I understand where you are coming from and given the fact that I am assuming I can make this from an old t-shirt (or one that I bought at Value Village this weekend for 99 cents in anticipation of the scarf :)), my material costs will be low enough for me to justify purchasing a pattern. Or like you said, I could try to figure it out myself.

    Either way, when I go to teach my students I expect to get paid, therefore, I am not judging anyone who would like to get reimbursed for their work. Go for it!

  3. I agree with the ladies. You have talent, creativity and the time to share your creations for everyone to see. You deserve to be paid for your work. Personally, I feel it is rude to always expect something for nothing. I read somewhere that the gods give us talents and if we devalue them or give them away for free they will be taken from us. So Charge!!!!

  4. I totally agree that you have every right to charge for your pattern. The sad thing is that there is so much available free online...and I have to admit, I am one of those who will search till I find the pattern I need...for free. But there is also a certain standard of quality that you feel you get from something you pay for. I love Amy Karol's blog as well as Meg McElwee's, and I actually like that they charge for most of their creations, yet offer some keeps the standards of expectation high, and it really makes you feel fortunate when you do get a freebie!

  5. I am new to your blog so I figured that when you said a pattern was coming soon I figured that there would be a charge for it. Would I love it free of course I would but the design is so cool I am willing to pay a little for it.

  6. You are very generous and you are giving us folks so much for free already, so go for it. Thanks again for all your ideas and inspirations.

  7. Hi there,
    I was presuming there would be a cost for the pattern. I would love to try making it but I'm not certain I would pay $6.50 for it. I would pay $3 or $4 for a scarf pattern. I hope you don't mind my honesty! And thanks for sharing all that you do!

  8. When I read there would be a pattern, I automatically expected to pay for it.
    Free is fine, but not everything can be free. You are totally entitled to charge money for your work.

  9. I think it's fine to pay for work of others. It's only fair. While announcing your pattern in the last post, some could assume that it would be for free. They will probably be disappointed. If you don't want to affront someone perhaps this could be a deal: Give your pattern away for a reduced price for two weeks maybe 2.99 $. Best wishes from Germany, nik

  10. Of course you should charge! I love free patterns as much as the next man, but if I like a pattern then I will pay for it too. It's your pattern, you charge according to how much work went into it. Good luck with it!

  11. You give so much of your time and talents and inspiration for free through your blog, it's absolutely fair that you charge for the pattern that you've created. I think it's really important that there's a balance between always giving things away for free, and also earning a living from the talents that you have. Good for you for being honest about how complicated this can sometimes feel, and for opening up a dialogue about it.

    I find it really inspiring each time I come across creative people who are finding ways of making a living whilst being true to themselves and using their talents and passions. We shouldn't be afraid to be successful and ask for a fair exchange for our creative work.

    Good for you!

    Lucy x

    PS I've loved the circus week that you and Maya have just shared with us. So many great ideas and beautiful photos. Thank you.

  12. I love your scarves, and I certainly behind you 100% in deciding to place a charge on your pattern. It is your design, your creativity at work, and it is your deserved right to charge. I never thought it was going to be free and will gladly pay you for the pattern. It is precious, and once you put it up for sale I will purchase it. Do not feel badly about your decision. People need not to expect so much to always be free. I respect your decision, and I understand your reasoning and feeling behind it. Do not fret. You have done the right thing for yourself and those of us out in cyberspace who love you and your blog.

    Genie @

  13. I think the only issue here is the original lack of clarity! I also understood the pattern to be free so this is obviously part of your learning curve.

    I like freebies too, but understand the need to charge for your work.

  14. From the way you wrote, I thought the scarf pattern would be free, and I actually thought to myself, "Why the heck isn't she charging something for this?" Here's what I think: I'm a fairly accomplished sewer and have seen spiral/ruffles before and could figure this one out for myself. But I'd rather pay you and save myself the time. It's the same way I felt about Maya's burlap bucket patterns. She'd already figured out the proportions, saving me the time, so it made perfect sense to pay her for her patterns. Look, you've offered plenty of free tutorials here on your blog, it's time for your followers to ante up for your creativity. I eagerly await your scarf pattern, and am setting aside some t-shirts for the project.

  15. Your comments are so thoughtful and incredibly helpful. I had maneuvered myself into confusion and that is not a good place to be. (On the whole, I'd rather be in Paris.)

    I'll take Nik's excellent advice and offer a very special price for the first two weeks the pattern is available. (So the ones expecting it to be free, will be able to get it for almost that).

    Wow, I am just so thankful for your generosity and considered words!

  16. I was looking forward to getting the pattern at any price! Be sure to let us know when and where we can get it. I'm just pleased you are even offering it :) Thank you!

  17. How wonderful that a small problem has turned into the opportunity for a great discussion about the value of artistic/creative work.

  18. I totally expected to pay for the pattern! Don't give it another thought. I also bought Maya's pattern and it's worth every penny. Can't wait for it to be available - thanks for your hard work and fun ideas! Cheers! t.

  19. At first I assumed it was a pattern to purchase, but then I couldn't find anywhere on your site that had patterns for sale, just tutorials. So I thought that maybe it would be free. I have absolutely no problem paying for it - it's lovely and very unique. But has it actually been listed somewhere on your site already because my mommy-brain is totally flaking out on me and I don't know where to look for it. (btw, I'm a new follower and I just love your blog so far. It has such a friendly feel to it and your tutorials are so wonderfully creative!)

  20. i would definitely pay for it! if it shows how to hand sew it, it would be so worth it for me!

  21. Hi - I agree, these are such thoughtful and helpful comments! You have a great group of readers here.

    I think that you should definitely charge what you feel is a fair price for your pattern. As someone who has also done a lot of mulling over how to earn money for the hard work that goes into writing a creative blog, I support you! Let us know how it goes.

  22. BRAVO for your honesty.

    And yes I would pay for it, that is a small price to pay for your creative ideas :)


  23. i agree that it's completely normal for someone to want to get paid for an original design. that said, i would like to buy it the instructions but i can't find anywhere to get them. i just discovered your blog now, so maybe i'm just missing something here. how does one go about buying from you? thanks! lisa

  24. I intended to buy this pattern no matter what! Being that I can use a t that I already have justifies the cost. I also love that I can make them for others so I will get more for my money that way!
    I agree that I think it's fabulous that you can earn an income from home doing something you love! A dream come true!
    I look forward to following your blog (I found you through Maya's on circus week) for a long time!

  25. @cucicucicoo: Hi Lisa, I will be selling the pattern directly of this blog. It's in the final stages and should be ready this week.
    Thanks so much for your support!

  26. thanks for your response! looking forward to it!
