
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

John Derian's House on the Cape

John Derian's House at the Cape
This summer we have a trip planned to Provincetown, on Cape Cod. We surprised our daughter with a whale watching gift. She is really interested in all things ocean and thought it a bit risky to give her a gift certificate, not sure, if she would appreciate an "experience" as a birthday gift. But she declared it her favorite and was happy as a clam. When I saw my first (and only whale ever), it moved me beyond words. They are so majestic and impressive (and they eat tiny plankton).

In the meantime, I dug out an old "Vogue Living" magazine from 2008 and stumbled across this fantastic house thought to be a sea captain's home from 1789, John Derian bought in Provincetown. John Derian owns a shop in New York City where he sells his decoupage art and other items from his artist friends. His work is beautiful and I think he's brilliant.

So here's a bit of eye candy and inspiration for you  (all images copyright Vogue Living):
John Derian's House at the Cape
He left his 18th century house "blissfully untouched", leaving peeling wallpaper and scuffed wooden floors.
John Derian's House at the Cape
It has the flair of a sea side "dacha". Just the summerhouse I would want...
John Derian's House at the Cape
Take a look at this porch. Isn't it gorgeous?
John Derian's House at the Cape
The whole house radiates history and a sort of romantic decay. My house is old too, with history oozing out of its crumbling walls, many with horse hair plaster. Some of my rooms display more decay than romance, but I like it this way.

This fall, maybe I'll share it a bit with you...but now it's still summer and I'll enjoy a cold glass of lemonade on my own humble little porch.


  1. totally enchanted! i've always wanted to go to carly simon's shop "midnight farm" on martha's vineyard....looks to fun....enjoy your trip!

  2. Thanks Sharon, I've been on Martha's Vinyard once (and I've actually been to Carly Simon's shop a few years ago for's beautiful like an upscale Anthropologie store), but I definitely prefer the Cape. It's much more relaxed.

  3. We are so lucky to live on part of the South AFrican coast that is visited by whales (Southern Right whales) once a year. It is almost season for them - one of the high points is spotting the first one from our front window - we have a little competition, L'Usband and I!) And then on our daily walk on the road, with the sea a few metres away on the other side of the railway line, we often see some quite close up!
