
Monday, March 14, 2011


It's hard to write a post today. David John from the blog "You Have Been Here Sometime" posted 3 ways to help Japan including considering the purchase of the poster above. The Huffington Post has a comprehensive page here with many different options regarding ways to help. is asking young people to make paper cranes, photograph and upload them to the facebook page: Paper Cranes for Japan. Many cynical comments were left reminding everybody that Japan needs money and not digital paper cranes. However, I think this is a way to express support for people unable to give monetary help. It's a project that can involve children and open conversations about how connected we are and the importance of empathy and compassion.

Young people will be responsible for handling matters, when disaster strikes in the future. They will be in charge of how conflicts are resolved and resources are allocated.
Learning to do this with empathy and compassion will make all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you; kids can't give money, nor can a lot of people, but parents can, and having their kids make something and show something in support teaches them compassion and sharing--I am so glad you said this. My parents taught me this way and I know it now in my early adulthood.
