
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Farewell My Friends...

Cottage by the Lake

Today is a good time to say good-bye, because I believe my time on this blog has come to an end. I thought a break would do, but it really won't. 

For some time now, I seem to be doing less and less of what once was the purpose of this be creative and chronicling the process of how in my creative life, the thread of inspiration works. It's becoming more apparent to me that lately an idea or inspiration is evaluated for its "blogableness" instead of just enjoyed and explored. 
I don't want that. Time to change directions and honestly, I don't know where it's going to go.

It has been a phenomenal year; I met wonderful people and made friends, both in the blog world and in real life. What an incredible experience! 

To keep annekata from deteriorating into mediocrity, I'll leave the blog here, as an archive of ideas and projects to browse. My twitter and email will remain open and if you want to be notified when I start something new, please send a brief email.

Thanks everybody so much  for being part of annekata for the last year, thanks to all of you who have left comments, inspirations and ideas. I appreciated every single one of them and will miss you all.

I'll be around, my dears and will be following many of you who communicate over the web.

Enjoy your summer.


  1. Justine CosterouseJune 26, 2011 at 11:11 PM

    Oh I will miss you so! It has gotten so that yours is the only blog I check regularly! You have so many great ideas and I have loved all of your reading recommendations and other links. I wish you the best of luck and hope that this is only a hiatus!!

  2. Thank you for gracing us with your talent, creativity, and beauty. What a gift you've given us.

  3. Yes, I will miss you too! I hope you can rediscover the inspiration and creative satisfaction. You provided the single most inspiration for me to concentrate more fully on the handwork that I love - thank you!!

  4. Thank you for all the talent and ideas you shared. It was a pleasure to visit. Best of luck!

  5. Hello Kathrin,
    First of all: thank you for all the wonderful, creative and fun inspiration you gave through your blog. It's been a delight to follow you.
    However sad I might be for you saying goodbye, I do understand the 'pressure' that comes with keeping a blog and wanting to show, share, tell something with those who follow you.
    I feel the same sometimes and I can just imagine how hard it must have been to take this decission. But it's a brave one.
    I wish you well and hope that you will continue inspiring people through who you are and what you do, even if it's not in blogland. It's talent that you're obviously gifted with so please don't let it go to waste.

  6. good-bye, and hopefully I will see your works of art in the future.

    unikuu from finland

  7. I'm sad to hear that you aren't enjoying the blog any more and sad to see you go - you always had such lovely, interesting things to share. But I support your decision to not force yourself - you should enjoy the process. In any case, have fun exploring and making things wherever you are :)

  8. Ein Satz wie "es sind immer die besten, die gehen" ist wohl ein wenig zu pathetisch, aber im Ernst: auch ein "mittelmäßiger" annekata-Blog wäre immer noch ein sehr interessanter Blog, global gesehen. Danke jedenfalls für alles bis hierher, ich werde ab und zu alte Beiträge wieder lesen und irgendwann auf etwas Neues hoffen.
    viele Grüße aus B.!

  9. Liebe Kathrin,
    ich habe annekata im letzten Jahr regelmäßig gelesen und es stets sehr genossen. Deine Ideen und deine Kreativität waren immer sehr inspirierend. Schade, dass es den Blog nicht mehr geben wird. Alles Gute und ich bin schon gespannt, was als nächstes kommt!
    vlg Julia

  10. So sorry to see you go. Maybe you could just pop back from time to time...

  11. I'll really miss your blog. I hope you come back one way or other. But blogging must not steal time or effort from the "real thing". I've just come back myself after a looong hiatus, so I know blogging can in fact stop being fun.
    Good luck with your crafting mojo and thanks so much for all the inspiration that you have been sharing!

  12. Ja, auch ich kanns verstehen und würde mich vielleicht auch gern gleich hinterherstürzen. Von mir aus hättest du auch viel seltener bloggen können und dann nur deine eigene Kreativität zeigen. Ich fühl mich im deutschsprachigen Raum schon ziemlich abseitig mit meinen Interessen, daher war es für mich immer eine Wohltat, hier vorbeizuschauen und zu denken, da ist eine Schwester im Geiste aus meinem Land. Na, du bist ja nicht weg. Aber die Zahl der deutschen Bloggerinnen, die sich - meines Wissens - für einen neuen Umgang mit z.B. Tatting interessieren, ist nun leider von drei aus zwei gesunken. (-:
    Ich wünsch dir, dass du ganz viel schaffst - frei vom Bloggerdruck.

  13. Das ist sehr schade, aber durchaus verständlich. Sicherlich werde ich trotzdem wieder hier vorbeischauen, z.B. wenn ich mal wieder vergessen hab, wie man nochmal die tollen Sterne macht uvm. Danke, dass du uns so viel gezeigt hast in der Zeit!
    Alles Gute, Britta

  14. Dear Kathrin, I've enjoyed your creativity and all the wonderful things you've shared on this blog. Thanks for the lovely time and the inspirations. Best wishes to you!

  15. Thank you for the inspirations over the last year. It has been wonderful to see you projects and thought processes. I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand how it can become a case of blogging for blogging's sake, instead of for the creativity itself. I hope we will see you again somehow!

  16. Ah... this is sad, yet I can relate. I have actually been admiring you and your blog, because unlike me, you post so regularly, your blog shows things that I didn't know about before, and you're such an inspiration.. all the things I would have one day liked to become with my blogs. However, the more I read about bloggers that post on such regular basis, the more I realize, that I am happy where I am with my blog. It will never be a regular one, yet it gives me a platform to put out there what I wish to share... I will miss you dearly, as you where my only regularly checked blog for the past months, ever since I decided to cut down on spending my time on reading blogs and instead begin doing again.. I hope to stay in touch and if you're ever in Toronto.. let's have ein kaffeklatsch... Tschüssli - bis bald-- in deinem neuen Abenteuer...


  17. seems this is the time when so many people evaluate what their blogs "want" to be about. I have cut back, a lot... but every once and a while I find something that I feel belongs so I put it up but I have backed away from "I should post" and only do it when "I WANT to post". Do post here when you move on to something else!

  18. Kathrin, I will miss your intelligent and always beautiful posts, but you have to do what is best for you, and I really respect that. In fact, the way you only seem to post meaningful, informative, and always beautiful things is the reason I've followed your blog almost this entire time. I do find that it is good to document your creative process regardless of whether or not you share it--keep it in a personal journal or scrapbook to look back on for inspiration or just fond memories Enjoy your summer!

  19. I, too, will really miss you and this blog. Thanks for a lot of creative inspiration and fun reading. Hope to hear from you again before too long.

  20. Rachel On Vancouver Island:
    I just wanted you to know that I stumbled on your blog about eight months ago, and it was the inspiration that got me sewing again (by hand and machine) with reclaimed materials. I've produced quite an impressive amount of practical and lovely things since rediscovering this forgotten passion, and you were the spark. I've been feeling some wanderlust, but with two small children this isn't the right time for long-distance traveling. Many of your posts took me to exotic places, for which I am also very grateful. To everything there is a season, and I absolutely understand your decision. Many blessings in your next adventures, and thank you!

  21. Kathrin, it's been a joy to follow your blog, and I will miss your inspirational and insightful posts. Thanks for being so generous with your time and creative spirit this past year.

    I hope that you and your family have a lovely and restful summer, and I look forward to hearing updates on new projects and experiences.

  22. having just recenly discovered your blog, I will miss its inspiring beauty. I think your statement:

    "It's becoming more apparent to me that lately an idea or inspiration is evaluated for its "blogableness" instead of just enjoyed and explored."

    rings true for myself somewhat as well as I pull back slightly from this virtual world (which is so charming) and decide to live a bit more without narration.

    Best to you! Brooke

  23. merci pour tout tu vas me manquer.
    thanks, i will miss you
    carine esther

  24. Good bye and good luck! I'm going to miss reading your blog over here in Sweden :( I'm glad you're going to leave it up though as I am determined to install my very own invisible zipper someday soon, and yours are the only directions I've ever seen that make sense.

    Peace and creativity!
    :) Riley

  25. Good luck with your new plans, no matter where they lead you. I would love to know when and if you start a new online adventure.

  26. Oh, goodbye and thank you, thank you. Your blog has been such an inspiration.
    I wish you all the best and wonderfullness in your future.

  27. I think the 26 comments above mine say it all already. You will be missed. all the best with this next stage in your artistic development and I hope to see and hear from you again in the future. Warmest regards,
    Sass Brown

  28. oh my how sad am i? oddly enough, i have been having similar thoughts....but my dear bloggy friend, i will miss you so dearly.... sharon at farm and fru fru

  29. Oh, I'll miss you too. Maybe one day you'll meet me on the other side of the lake for tea. Thank you for all of the beauty and inspiration you've offered.

  30. Thank you so much for your inspiration and refreshing ideas! I have been both challenged and inspired by you and I appreciate it so very much. I'm almost finished with the book you recommended, 'Half the Sky' and words cannot convey my deepest appreciation to you for leading me to this book! You have added a 'new and improved' layer to my life and I hope that through this process you have been blessed beyond measure yourself! I wish you the best in all your future endeavors and if you decide to come back...I will once again be a (happy) faithful reader! You will be missed because you were sincere in your mission and that made a positive difference in people's lives. BRAVO to you!

  31. Thank you for all your inspiring, creativity you have shared with us. I loved your blog so much I started my own one. Will be sadly missed, but yes, totally understand,paths do change and new doors open up for new treasures of discovery.... Thank you again and I wish well on your new journey....

  32. Oh, Boo! Your blog is definitely not mediocre. I've enjoyed your work and found it inspiring. Hopefully we will 'see' you again now & then or if/when you might return? But I understand. Hope your new-found 'freedom' brings much reward to you.

  33. Thank you for your ideas, creativity, inspiration, and generosity. I have really enjoyed this lovely blog and I will miss it!

  34. I have really appreciate your blog. I'm very sorry to see you stop. You have so many great ideas. Thank you for sharing them! I know it's a lot to ask, but have you just thought of posting when the mood strikes you?

  35. Kathrin! I was just going through my blog reader at the end of a long day, and this was the last post. I will miss your blogging presence but absolutely respect your decision. Blogging about being creative can't trump the actual creative process.

    Thank you for always being so thoughtful in your writing and making. You should be very proud of this adventure in blogging!

  36. Good luck and thanks for all of the interesting posts. I have enjoyed seeing all of the creative things that you come up with and will miss my weekly bits of inspiration. That being said, it's more important to enjoy those creative things than to blog about them. Thanks for sharing.

  37. Oh no, this makes me so sad! I've always been waiting for your posts with curiosity and enthusiasm! You're one of a kind! You're an artist! Never boring, never mediocre...but inspiring and illuminating!I hope you change your mind and cosmic flows take you back to us again one day! Thanks for sharing your soul! Thank You! Good Luck! ૐ

  38. What to say ... it's a shame you decide to leave this blog but I understand and appreciate your need of real freedom in your creative life. You have been an amazing source of inspiration to many people. Be well and enjoy your talent and all the good things it will bring you. Take care. S.

  39. Your inteligent and aesthetic musings have always been such a joy for me to explore. From your blog I've learned so much about artists I had not known before and I have great appreciation for your own artistry and fine sensitivity for the truly beautiful. Keep up the good work and be yourself. I'll be only one among many others who will miss you! Best wishes for a lovely summer from Bulgaria!

  40. I've never left a comment on your blog, so you have no idea who I am or that I was paying attention, but I just want to say "Thank you" for sharing with us. I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I found it inspiring and enjoyable. I hope that letting go of it will serve you well, and allow you the peace and freedom to create as you desire. Good job!
    Lisa Novack

  41. Also want to say I'm very happy that you will be keeping the blog up as an archive - I'm still referring to your book reviews when I need something to spice up my reading. My favorite is still the one about American Circuses. And I know I'll want to check back on some of your projects for inspiration.

  42. Wow! I am really going to miss your posts. I appreciate your honesty and your sincere and genuine voice. I hope you write a book - I know it would be great!

  43. Oh, no! I do understand your reasons, and they resonate with me, as I've also contemplated spending more time doing, rather than blogging. I have gone from blogging seven days a week to once or twice a week - that suits me better. But I have to say, Katrin, that I am terribly sad! Your blog has been my very favourite creative blog, especially in the stitchery department - you introduced me to many wonderful concepts, such as pojagi and boro, you have given me lovely projects to work on (for example the embroidered necklace), you have introduced me to books that I have subsequently purchased and enjoyed (wabis-sabi)... and you have taught me to put in a zip!!

    I will MISS you! But I do understand. Enjoy your wonderful creativity. And keep well!

    xxx Anairam

  44. I loved reading your posts and will miss them. Hopefully, you will find your way back to what inspires you to create those lovely pieces.

  45. I love your posts. I have enjoyed your tutorials, been amazed by your projects, and learned about other unbelievably talented people.
    Thank you for all you have given us. It is more than enough, but I hope, as time goes by, that you will feel the urge to share a thought or project with us occasionally.

  46. auch ich werd dich vermissen ... auch wenn ich deine entscheidung gut verstehen kann – es sind genau diese gründe, die mich bis jetzt davon abgehalten haben, überhaupt einen eigenen blog zu starten.
    annekata ist in den letzten monaten zu einer grossen inspirationsquelle für mich geworden. ich habe bei dir lust und energie gefunden, dinge auszuprobieren, um die ich schon lange herumtigere, aber nie gepackt habe. danke und alles gute!

  47. You are a true gift with a unique voice in a sea of sameness. I will also miss checking in here for something new and fresh. Each post was always so thought provoking and a little glimpse into how your perceptive and creative mind works.Selfishly hoping you'll drop in for surprise visits now and then, but knowing that you are making a wonderful decision for yourself. Now, coffee time has to be made! xo

  48. Kathrin, thank you for sharing your time and creativity with us through your blog and your patterns. I just finished making more two spiral scarves for a young friend's birthday. Your ideas always inspire me and I appreciate your use of found materials. Best wishes to you in whatever new endeavors you undertake!

  49. Thank you - yours is my favourite blog I have found your ideas very inspiring. You will be missed - have a good rest.
    Western Australia

  50. Obwohl ich Deinen tollen Blog erst vor einigen Monaten entdeckt habe, haben Deine wundervollen Ideen und Anregungen viel Leben in meinen Alltag gebracht. Die so wundervoll umgesetzten Projekte (aus vorhandenen und alten Dingen mit Geschichte neues zu zaubern)-In unserer Konsum-und Wegwerfgesellschaft ist Dein Blog so wertvoll und ein großartiger Beitrag zum Umweltschutz und zum respektvollen Umgang mit Dingen und auch miteinander.
    Vielen Dank!!! Vielleicht solltest Du ein Buch mit Deinen tollen Ideen füllen (auch die vorhandenen Projekte sind schon aufregend genug und würden gut 1-2 Bücher füllen)damit noch mehr Menschen mit Deinen Ideen in Berührung kommen können. Es wundert mich ehrlich gesagt gar nicht, daß Du nach all diesem kreativen Output eine richtige Pause brauchst. Das ist nur natürlich und verständlich und bestimmt sehr notwendig. Alles Gute !! Ich werde sicher wieder vorbeischauen - auch um die vorhandenen Infos immer wieder zu bewundern!


  51. I have not heard anyone describe this transition better than this. Thank you for your honesty and creativity and willingness to embrace the end of something, in order for the new to begin. It reminds me of the Japaneses concept of wabi sabi - something that your blog has always reminded me of.

    I have been feeling the exact same thing with my blog, only I could not really find the words to describe it. Until now. I too have taken a pause - a summer hiatus - but I sense that the transition for me out of blog land is coming as well.

    May your next endeavor be as creative and inspiring as annekata was.

  52. Oh, dear! I just discovered you. Please let me know if you get back to blogging about your creativity. You can find me at or

  53. I've so enjoyed reading your posts - each of them has been like a little gift for me (really..). Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to share your creativity and your thoughts. Your beautifully simple writing style, your lovely photographs and your thoughtful & stylish ideas have always made me think & ponder about my own creativity & my writing too. Gosh I am going to miss this blog. All the very best to you, and I hope to see you in another incarnation in the future.

  54. I have just decided to be your followers. I feel sorry for ourselves without your ideas.Thank you for the old ones.

  55. Thank you for all the lovely inspiration that you have provided us with! I will definitely keep on coming back to look through your great hand stitched ideas. I have really enjoyed your thoughts and insights. All the very very best - you'll be missed.

  56. Congratulations for making changes that need to be made. Your project posts were always my favorite - you've inspired me to be a hand stitcher, so thanks! Good luck.

  57. So sad, but for the best! Thank you so much for your great inspiration and ideas! Your creativity was contagious :)

  58. I certainly will miss this blog- one of the only ones I would check regularly. Happy for you... I think it is those who are truly brave and creative who can understand when something isn't working for them anymore. I have loved your blog. Thank you for the time you gave to all of us- for the inspiration and wonderful way with words, for sharing your beautifully creative way of seeing the world.

  59. Like Brooke I've only recently found your blog, but it has become a source of great pleasure to work through your archive. I wish you a summer of relaxed creativity and family fun. Kindest, Kate



  61. although i've only been introduced to your blog in the last few months, i have really enjoyed it. i am so glad to know the archives will be here for reference. have a happy adventure on your next journey... and good luck with your kitchen floor... i had to smile/cringe as i read that post... i am/have been experiencing an almost identical time with my own kitchen floor. i hope yours is resolved, and i know mine will be someday...embrace it...accept it for what it is (this is my mantra!!) farewell!

  62. I can absolutely understand your choice. I've made it myself, several times, leaving old blogs here and there. I will send you an email because anything you do will be worth my while, I'm sure.

  63. I will miss you and your postings. You have brought beauty into so many lives and encouraged strong and fulfilling thinking. Thank you for the gifts of nurturing hand-sewing, of introducing spectacular artists and perspectives, and of sharing your life with us.(And my friend, the one whom you essentially guided to the foundling hospital, is in London this very minute.) Thank you for inspiring us to embark on all sorts of creative and thoughtful journeys, Kathrin! Warmest hugs and best wishes to you! karen m.

  64. Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll miss you and your blog very much. I hop you'll chane your mind one day and come back :) all the best till then!

  65. I completely understand the reason you stop this blog and I'm sorry too. Thank you for the inspiration. Your blog made me do more hand sewing and I even experimented with some tatting!

  66. I just echo the sentiments above-- thank you so much for the generosity of time and effort in sharing so much wonderful content. Although I'm not a regular blog reader, I would look up your site and scroll back to discover wonderful things. Thank you again, michelle

  67. Thanks for sharing so much-we'll truly miss you- the colours, fun, ideas and inspiration!
    Good luck and do keep us posted if you decide to give us a peak into your world again!

  68. I've only just found your blog, but you already have given me so much inspiration. I've started pulling out old projects and thinking about new ones. I understand the urge to pull back from blogging, but just know that you have given me a kick start and I am very grateful that you have shared.

  69. Ohhh ! You shared so much with us. Thanks to you I did my first hand-stitch scarfs and I recently bought the alabama stitch book. You are a great source of inspiration and I will miss you so much, you where the first flux I opened from my flux list... Of course I want to be notified when you start something new ! Thank you so much for everything you gave us !! Love from Paris,

  70. It sometimes seems that all the blogs i like close. Thankyou for yor inspiration. I have been musing about making some skirts (beautiful boots but not enough skirts or dresses available)and now i think I might start.Take care.

  71. You will be so missed, but I understand. I just recently found your blog and loved it. Thank you for leaving the blog in place and all of the riches and inspirations that it still holds for so many. I wish you well;)

  72. Many posts before have said it so well already
    But I too must say thanks for sharing your musings
    And fantastic handwork. I have followed your blog
    For over a year and have so been inspired and
    Enjoyed your posts. Good for you to know when
    To take a breathe and enjoy what inspires you!!
    Please let me know if you start something new
    Und danke fur alles wunderschone!!!
    Natasha from a small town outside seattle

  73. Bye!
    I have really enjoyed reading.!
    Lisa in Skåne Sweden.

  74. Your beautiful and inspiring blog was like a little treasure when I discovered it. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas and talent with us!
    I understand your reasons well for stepping back at this time and wish you only the best in the future. -Mary

  75. I have so enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for the beautiful images and inspiring ideas. I'll definitely miss your posts!

  76. Sorry to see go!!!
    i've enjoy reading ur blog.
    goodluck to whatever u do in the future :)

  77. I enjoyed your blog very much, and wanted to say thank you for taking the time to share your amazing creativity with us for so long. Blessings and thanks to you!

  78. ...traigo

    desde mis


    CON saludos de la luna al
    reflejarse en el mar de la



  79. I'm new here! : ) I've been blogging just over a year... and I totally understand. Kudos to you! Blogging takes away from creating. I began blogging to build my courage and self esteem. Done. : )
    Thank you for leaving your blog up. I would love to look through every bit of it.
    ~Monika in Saskatoon

  80. Hello, I just found your blog from browsing through 'hand stitches'.. I wish you goodluck for the future.. it's too bad because I just found you out, but I hope you don't give up..

  81. Just discovered you today via a random link on Pinterest and I'm glad I did, but was sorry to see that there will be no new posts. As a longtime on-again, off-again blogger, I hear you, though - when it's time, it's time. But I did spend a lovely afternoon perusing your archives. Thank you for that :)

  82. Darn! I just found you and started following! But alas! I understand...blogging takes up so much precious times and what could we all be doing instead? Thankyou for leaving your inspirations in the ether...may many more good creations come your way!
