
Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Stitching on Army Green

WIP: Stitching on Army Bag
My stitching was not flowing as well as last time. In fact, it was rather frustrating. I even ran out to fetch some Queen Anne's lace  from our weedy garden to give me some ideas. Turned out, the white flower heads looked quite sweet on the green and I'm thinking of including some french knots to get a similar effect. But not now!
WIP: Stitching on Army Bag
In the interim, I opted for simple shapes like the little round "suns" my daughter used to draw....And this is how I did it (see below).
WIP: Stitching on Army Bag
Although this bag will be a work in progress for a while, I'll take a break and post an image next week. My daughter's birthday party is coming up and she has all kinds of requests for handmade decorations and food including a fish shaped piñata, chocolate cupcakes and juggling balls......


  1. A fish shaped pinata.. hmm.. goodluck with that one! (This year's request from my eldest was 'Can I please pleaseplease have shop-bought invitations? Pleeeease..!?' I was crushed, of course..;-))
    I really like the stitching on the bag; it's nice, to see it grow through your posts!

  2. Keep going, momma! Everything is looking great so far!

    And when you finish the fish pinata, you have to show us! I'm dying to see how that's done.


  3. @kampinga: Every once in a while my daughter and I fall for "store-bought". Then we go out and roam the aisles of some box store only to get completely overwhelmed, hungry, thirsty and whiny. The result is often that we end up going home empty handed having to make everything last minute from scratch.

    @boatx: Just started the fish (after seeing only really awful piñatas 'Made in China'. So far my decoupage experience has been plates and some cloned dress forms. I'll make the whole thing into a zen experience :-) The zen part will be that it'll take two weeks to make just to be destroyed in 6 seconds with a few bangs using a child baseball bat.

  4. Okay, that illustration is driving me nuts...I can NOT work out in my head how that stitch makes that shape!! I even got out the needle and thread and tested, and it still came out like a V, rather than an L. Argh!! :P

  5. Hi Kathrin - I'm going strong on my embroidered circles. I can't even stop to take pictures of them yet!

    Just saw this on Love Forever and thought of you; an artist who embroiders on car parts:

  6. @charissa: Love the embroidered car parts.....thanks for the link!

  7. Your stitches look beautiful! Can't wait to see the bag!
