
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rag Balls and Juggling

Rag Juggling Balls
Juggling has been with us for at least 4000 years. I found a picture of an ancient wall painting (not at a garage sale, but online) dated 1994-1781 B.C which appears to depict jugglers. It was found in the 15th tomb of the Karyssa I area, Egypt:
Learning how to juggle is not that difficult. It takes only a little time to learn how to throw 2 balls and a little practice to add a third.  Working with 3 balls well is much more impressive than with 4 and more than enough to give you parent superstar status for as long as you keep the balls in the air. Kids love to show off their parents when they can do something special. (And only then, mind you)

We had some beautiful antique rag balls (see top image). They were obviously not meant for being thrown around, so Maya will show you how to make your own juggling balls. See how they are made here.
Juggling Rag Balls
Want to learn how to juggle?

Jason Garfield is an incredible juggler and has this excellent video, in which he explains exactly how to do each step and why. Quote: "If you are more stubborn than the ball, you will win."

If you want to eat an apple while you're juggling - you never know when hunger strikes - this website shows you how.

As John Seldon (1584 – 1654), the English  jurist and scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution once said: “The world cannot be governed without juggling.”


  1. Beautiful painting that you found, and I love following both yours and Maya's blog during this week! Great ideas, wonderful photos, inspring stuff. Thanks!

  2. @susanne: Thanks for all your great comments. It was such an interesting week blogging about a shared experience in our own "voices". When I finally listened to your voice, I was in awe. Your music is truly spellbinding. In flamenco it's called having the "duende". ( You certainly have it!
