
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sweet Summer Treats

Impromptu Circus Party Part II
Our circus party definitely needed some treats to get things started. Sweet treats to be precise. Maya and I created two, one frozen and one crispy treat with flowers.

Every child I know loves edible flowers. Personally,  my experience was restricted to broccoli and cauliflower. And, of course, in Germany we ate dandelions. As kids we used to suck on common sorrel which in German is called Sauerampfer. "Sauer" for "Sour" which is a very fitting name. I still remember that distinct mouth-puckering flavor. But then the city mouse came to American farm country and learned all about violas and pansies and now we eat lots. It's a great way to get my kid to eat a salad.

Pansies are called "Stiefmuetterchen" in German which means "little step mothers". I haven't yet found out why. There are many different explanations.  I'd like to believe that it has to do with some fairy tale. The blossom crunchies below are sweet, crunchy and look delicious.

Rice Krispies are not really a staple in Germany, but these treats are wonderfully sticky, messy and sweet and look phenomenal dressed up with flowers and little cocktail umbrellas.
Impromptu Circus Party Part II

- 1 box of crispy brown rice
- 1 cup brown rice syrup
- ½ cup barley malt syrup
- ½ cup smooth peanut butter
- 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- ¾ cup of chocolate chips
- violas and/or pansies

1- Bring syrups and peanut butter to a gentle boil in a saucepan.
2- Stir continuously for 3 minutes.
3- Add rice and vanilla and stir until incorporated.
4- Set aside to cool completely.
5- Add chips.
6- Pack mixture into mini muffin tins.
7- Pop the balls out of their molds (a butter knife works well)and place in paper liners.
8- Top each one with blossoms.
9- Serve.
Impromptu Circus Party Part II

Impromptu Circus Party Part II
In my family the best part is always left for last....


  1. Looks delicious, as does the icy treat! What a great idea, a week of circus delights; looking forward to what follows!

    Common sorrel in Dutch is 'zuring', which also means 'sour' ('zuur'). I wonder if 'sorrel' is linked to he word 'sour' as well..? Would make sense, really - I still remember the sour shock when I first had it..

  2. I know some kids who are going to like this! Got to come up with a chocolate chip substitute for "you know who" though. Cashews?
    thanks for sharing this yummy treat!

  3. hm...well, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (I love being a student:), "pansy" in English is derived from the French term...
    interestingly, though, the Hungarian word for pansy also translates stepmother.
    I'm rather curious now.
    I did find this:
    Aren't they beautiful?

  4. @katie: How interesting to learn that pansy in Hungarian means stepmother. Thanks for the link...You're right, the images are stunning. They reminded me of a book about the African Omu Valley I blogged about a while ago: Isn't it interesting how the same idea can produce such different results?

  5. What about marigolds, calendula, roses, borage (those are SO pretty in salad..little purple stars..)etc etc! I grew up eating flowers, too. :p Sourgrass (sorrel) was a staple of my childhood..I could spend hours in a field just eating away, lol.

    Dressing in flowers..someone gave me one of Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies books when I was a kid, and I was ENCHANTED...what a concept! :D
