
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Etsy: How-Tuesday and More Sandals

annekata Summer Sandals
Oh wow! The incredibly talented Julie invited me to introduce my summer sandals on Etsy's blog "The Storque". I love this blog and feel honored to be in such amazing company. It's full of wonderful How-To's, great artist interviews and exciting projects. If you need a little extra inspiration, go visit their site and see what I'm talking about.
annekata Summer Sandals
This pair of black summer sandals traveled with me to the beach last week. It has only one incision and a small t-shirt strip to gather the fabric. If you use jersey as the material, make sure it has a snug fit around your foot, because it will loosen a bit. What works for me is when the fabric feels a bit too tight when you first wear the sandals.

Thank You Julie for the opportunity!


  1. I saw the sandals on Etsy, which brought me here. How adorable they are, and look so comfy!!
    Like an old soft Tshirt for your feet. I myself only wear flip flops when I am on the beach, or in a swimsuit, I don't care for how they look when I am dressed. Though I am not really a DIY person, I would attempt these sandles...but first I have to steal some clamps from my carpenter brother!

  2. I wanted to add, I don't think the average priced commercial yoga mat would hold up to too much street walking (forgive the term) and especially not a single layer. They would feel more flimsy, probably flatten out and be very uncomfortable eventually, and tear from rocks and other things you might step on. I like the idea of flip flops better, which themselves may vary in comfort and sturdiness. I have thrown away many cheaper pairs that I would feel every little pebble thru the soles, so not all flipflops are created equal. Best to take good care of your feet and use the strongest safest and sturdiest materials you can find, even if it means spending a few more pennies on a decent pair.

  3. I saw your sandals on the Craftzine blog too!

  4. What kind of glue did you use? These are so cute, I may have to look for some clearance flip flops to give them a try (I'm a flip flop hater too).

  5. fabulous! how wonderful to be featured on etsy's storque!!!! they know a good thing when they see one! congrats....

  6. @Juliann D: I used Gorilla glue, but any waterproof strong glue which expands while drying should work.

  7. I too found you through Etsy and wandered over here! I'm Cassandra. I'm glad I found your blog because I love it. And I'm glad you're so ingenious when it comes to footwear b/c these are great! I can't wait to try this. Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. Kathrin,

    I was thrilled to see your tutorial on Etsy yesterday! Your projects are always so creative!

    As for the yoga mat idea, I agree with Jennifer that they probably wouldn't hold up as sandals. I did, however, sell some beautiful eco-shoes (Form and Fauna) in my shop that used recycled yoga mats as insoles. So comfy!

  9. Lovely to find your blog:) You are very creative.

  10. Fantastic, creative work. I love it. Right now I don't have the time to MAKE some (even though they would come in handy as we will most probably travel a second time to Italy this summer) but I will keep this project in mind. Love your blog! So happy I discovered it during the circus week project. I will keep coming back.

  11. I saw this on Etsy. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing

  12. I have heaps of pairs of flip flops (or thongs as we call them in Australia - yes, I know what that word means in the rest of the world) so am definitely going to try this out with an old pair.
    What a great idea, such a creative mind!
