
Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Out!!!!! Spiral Scarf Pattern Released...

annekata Spiral Scarf - Pattern Release

Unfortunately, the scarf pattern is no longer available.

.... And I'm sooo happy, can't you tell? The spiral scarf pattern is finally available as a downloadable pdf. I'm offering it for US$3.75 through Aug 20th and US$6.50 afterward. Purchase the pattern right off the blog, download and give it a go!

The weekend is here...the perfect time to make a scarf or two.
Included are lots of images, how to do the basic hand-sewing stitches needed to complete the scarf, tips and two pattern pieces which you can print from your computer at home (or the good old copy shop can do it for you). Just click the "ADD TO CART" button below. You can use paypal or a credit card and it's safe and secure! I'll also be placing a button on the sidebar, and a special pattern page is coming soon. 

I'd love to hear from you (and maybe see....?) what you come up with!

Have fun making scarves and enjoy your weekend!


  1. I know what I'm doing this weekend! Thank you for offering this pattern.

  2. Yay! I just purchased the pattern - can't wait to get started :)

  3. Thank you for making the pattern available. Just completed the transaction and have my scissors ready!

  4. Purchased! I've been playing with knit fabrics lately. Your site has inspired me!

  5. Thank you for this great pattern! You're right - it's a perfect weekend project. All the T-shirts in our household are feeling a bit nervous right now...

  6. Woohoo! I'm looking forward to playing with this pattern.

  7. Thank you so much for putting this together! I'm a pretty basic sewer but your directions & photos look easy enough to follow. I've been saving all my old t-shirts for the perfect project and I think I've just found it! These will make such great Christmas presents for friends & family, so thank you!

  8. Wow...the photos are great! looks like you have a new career....pattern maker!

  9. love this! I am hoping mine come out as cute as yours did - i might make one in every color and just wear them constantly...

  10. Thanks a lot for this great tutorial!
    Unfortunately it's saturday evening now, so the copy shop is already closed, and I do not have a printer at home.
    But I am that impatient that I will just try to draw it.
    Oh, and as my husband left me this evening for going to some friends, I will use this opportunity: I will take out of his wardrobe all these T-Shirts I do not like him to wear...
    YAY, what a weekend!
    Thank you!

  11. I'm a novice at sewing but think that I'll be able to cope with this pattern! Thanks so much for making it! :)

  12. I got the pattern printed up just fine and started on my scarf last night. I am doing something a little 'extra' with it. mwah hahah!

  13. Thanks so much everyone for your generous comments. I'd be very curious to see some of your creations. If you are interested in sharing, will you send me an image?

  14. I got busy this weekend making one:

    So simple and fun, I want to make at least half a dozen!

  15. I made mine! Question...mine curls along the edges, did I use the wrong kind of tshirt? I made it all in one husband's Ralph Polo tshirt was huge!! HA.. And, I think I would need to lengthen the long piece to make it long enough to tie around neck, waist etc. no?


  16. @Sophie: Just saw the scarf on your blog. Looks great!

    @Donna: The scarf always curls up a bit around the edges, because of its raw seams(see top picture). You're right, it curls more when you cut it out from one big piece, because the 2 side seams stabilize the center strip. The length of the center strip depends really on how long you want the scarf to be. I have some really short ones I hold together with a pin and longer ones, I can tie around my neck a few times.
    Hope this helps.
