
Monday, August 9, 2010

The Sky is the Limit

Stitching in tge Car
Off to the see the whales of Cape Cod! We've packed the car to the brim including a small stitch project. Reading in the car makes me feel dizzy but stitching seems to agree quite nicely with my vestibular system. I'm working on a skirt (coming later this week) and it was a messy affair with threads everywhere and my sewing tools covering every inch of the car. I even had to put my legs up as there was no room for my feet. Every time I pulled the needle in my husband's direction, he twitched. There will be a lot of driving here on the East Coast, and I am curious to see, how much stitching can be done this way. (With my twitching husband.)

We decided to take a leisurely drive through NY State, into Massachusetts and stop at MASS MoCA (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Arts) for a visit. Mass MoCA is one of the largest contemporary art spaces in the country.  It's located in an old factory complex with dozens of interconnected brick buildings and has all the space in the world to display whatever is cutting edge, hip and huge! It's a perfect balance between converting a space and respecting its history.
Mass MocaMass Moca
The art on display was mind blowing...and I was eager to share some of it...however an army of very polite young art students asked me not to take any pictures, which naturally I respect. The children's area was a bit looser in that regard, so I took some pictures there. On display was a clever exhibit: "You Art What You Eat" perfect for kids as it involved a lot of candy and had a scent like I would imagine emanating from Charlie's Chocolate Factory after the Oompa-Loompas have cooked up their favorite food....chocolate.

Here are some impressions: a small version of the Taj Mahal made from onions, some recorders and brussel sprouts,
an underwater world built of candy,
Mass Moca
and a candy wrapper butterflies installation.
Mass Moca 's good to take a vacation. A mental vacation from the recurring everyday habitual summer thoughts surrounding timetables, dinner plans and swimming lessons. To go to an art space like the MASS MoCA is like being thrown into an ocean of art and creativity. It's monumental, overwhelming and always inspiring. Good thing there are also some quiet corners to sit and reflect.
Mass Moca
Sometime this week we'll be looking for whales.......nature and art. A perfect combination for a break from the ordinary.


  1. i see butterflies in my future! i feel like i was there for a visit...thanks!

  2. what an inspirational stop you had there!the picures are a tease to the eye and the brain of what everything else you were not allowed to capture might have been! enjoy your vacation!

  3. nice shoes! ;^}
    Enjoy you vacation!
